Alaska's Lighthouses

Preserving Lighthouses for Generations to Come

About Our Site

Over 100 people came together in 1997 to create an Alaska Lighthouse Association with the intention to preserve Alaska’s maritime heritage. Their mission included restoring Alaska’s lighthouses and maritime artifacts, enhancing public access to these historical sites, and promoting education about the regions rich history.

While the association has since been disbanded, the long-term goal of this website is to help protect and maintain Alaska’s marine environment and coastal rainforests through education and access to resources.

Become a Lighthouse Guardian: Learn with Us!

Have a passion for history, the sea, or the great outdoors? Check out our website dedicated to preserving Alaska’s iconic lighthouses.  Your time learning about Alaska’s lighthouses can make a significant impact, whether you’re a tech-savvy individual, a hands-on maintenance enthusiast, or an environmental advocate.

Expand the sections below to learn more about how to help preserve Alaska’s Maritime History!

Help Us Shine Online

Our website is the beacon that guides people to our cause, and we appreciate spreading awareness to keep our coasts bright and engaging. Share our website and help enhance our online presence. By doing this you’ll help us reach a wider audience, share the rich history of Alaska’s lighthouses, and attract more supporters to our mission.

Hands-On Lighthouse Maintenance

Do you enjoy working with your hands and seeing the tangible results of your efforts? Join our “maintenance team” by contacting the various organizations listed on each lighthouse page to help restore and preserve these historic structures. From painting and carpentry to general repairs, there are numerous ways you can get involved – or inspire your local representatives to fund restoration efforts. Your labor can help ensure that these lighthouses continue to stand strong against the elements, guiding mariners and inspiring visitors for generations to come.

Protect Our Costal Environment

Lighthouses are more than just navigational aids; they are integral to the coastal ecosystems they inhabit. We’re committed to educating about environmental protection and Alaska needs passionate volunteers to help with beach cleanups, habitat restoration, and sustainability initiatives. By volunteering in your local area, you can help play a vital role in protecting the natural beauty and biodiversity, ensuring it remains pristine for future generations.